My peace I give unto you 我將平安賜給你,
It’s a peace that the world cannot give 這平安非世界所能給,
It’s the peace that the world cannot understand 這平安非世界所能够瞭解,
Peace to know, peace to live 藉祂知,藉祂活,
My peace I give unto you 我將平安賜給你。
My joy I give unto you 我將喜樂賜給你,
It’s a joy that the world cannot give 這喜樂非世界所能給,
It’s the joy that the world cannot understand 這喜樂非世界所能够瞭解,
Joy to know, joy to live 藉祂知,藉祂活,
My joy I give unto you 我將喜樂賜給你。
My love I give unto you 我將我的愛賜給你,
It’s a love that the world cannot give 這份愛非世界所能給,
It’s the love that the world cannot understand 這份愛非世界所能够瞭解,
Love to know, love to live 藉祂知,藉祂活,
My love I give unto you 我將這份愛賜給你。