
曲名一同起舞 We'll Dance

詞曲陳麒安 Andy Chen

中文翻譯:鄭懋柔 Tiffany M. Cheng /曾祥怡 Grace Tseng /游智婷 Sandy Yu


將來的國度 不再有悲傷和淚水

直到那日 當堅定 當剛強


萬物揚聲歌頌敬拜祂 一同起舞

向復活的君王唱首愛的詩歌 一同起舞

向榮美的耶穌唱首愛的詩歌 我愛祢


We'll go to a place

There will be no more tears and pain

But till that day

We'll take heart and hold strong

All creation bows before the king of kings

All creation praise the Lord of lords

We'll dance freely

And we'll sing a love song to our Risen King

We'll dance freely

And we'll sing a love song to our beautiful King

And we'll dance


讚美之泉 - 將天敞開  


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